by Anonymous | 18th Jun 2019 | Stress and Burnout
In the furthest corner of the darkest café I could find, I holed up. Put my hands round my cup, pretending it was me and they would shield me from the outside, keep me warm for as long as it would take before I could get up the courage to leave here and head home....
by Anonymous | 21st May 2019 | Culture, Stress and Burnout
Recent tweets by the police have been interesting, claiming that it is PTSD – recognised or not – following the witnessing of some pretty horrendous scenes that causes burnout over a period of time. Similarly in medicine some people believe that being party to...
by Anonymous | 9th Apr 2019 | Stress and Burnout
I’m starting to look old. I noticed it quite by accident recently when I thought I had a mark on my neck, running lengthways from the top to bottom. Tipping my head back, I tried to wipe the mark away but then realised it was a fold in my skin, which looked deeper and...