Remembering my Grandparents.

Remembering my Grandparents.

Grandparents. I used to worry I would be sacked over mine. For many years I had seven of them, and was terrified some of them would die at once and my employers would claim I was making up their funerals to get out of work. Most grown adults have no more than four and...
Remembering my Grandparents.

Reassurance: the comfort of patients

I stopped dead in my tracks when he couldn’t lift his head off the pillow. The smile of greeting was the same but I knew something was very wrong at his inability to raise up to meet me. For a moment time stopped and I froze. Not now? This was quick. Oh no! The last...
Reaching out

Reaching out

“I’m not ready to go yet.” The words were barely understandable through the sobs, but the feeling and power with which they were spoken was immense. My patient was in her 30’s and had been admitted through the Emergency Department to the surgical ward I...
Re-adjusting expectations

Re-adjusting expectations

We had a fifty one year old gentleman with NASH (non alcoholic steatohepatitis) who had presented with haematemesis on our ITU outreach list on the previous Friday with a litre of haematemesis witnessed in A&E. There was no gastro on call over the weekend so he...