Relinquishing old fears

Relinquishing old fears

‪This story is of a sensitive nature. We want to forewarn readers of this and offer links to sources of support for any of our readers who have suffered personally. ‬ ‪‬ ‪ tel: 0800 028 8022‬ ‪‬...
Rewriting: the rules for feedback

Rewriting: the rules for feedback

I couldn’t work out if she was shy, or just did not want to be there. But this was a course people were invited onto, with prestige attached, and paid for. If she had not wanted to do it, why had she not just pleaded a hectic schedule and declined? I tried harder,...
Renegotiating: When Worlds Collide

Renegotiating: When Worlds Collide

The evening started like any other, a day spent sleeping poorly, counting the hours until another long night spent in the emergency department. My disguise laid out; dark green scrubs, pens, stethoscope and an ID badge. My hair is scraped back off my shoulders and I...