by Anonymous | 4th May 2021 | Clinician Stories, The Covid Diaries
I’m scared. What I’ve seen play out before me over the last few weeks scares me as much, if not more than the events of the few short crazy weeks leading up to the first national lockdown in March 2020. Back then there was a sense of solidarity, of battle...
by Anonymous | 13th Apr 2021 | Stress and Burnout, The Covid Diaries
It was week two of facing one of my greatest obstacles, a task so seamless to others, as simple as blinking or breathing. Not that I found either simple in this moment; I notice my blinking is rapid and my breathing is tense, fast, shallow. This familiar and yet...
by Anonymous | 2nd Feb 2021 | Identity, The Covid Diaries
People keep asking me how I am coping with lockdown. Given that it is also January, the coldest and often most miserable month of the year, and given that I am a little up and down emotionally at the best of times, and struggled with lockdown when it first happened in...
by Anonymous | 5th Jan 2021 | Education, Humanity
“Show me your teeth!” It was not a request, but an order. Standing very close, in front of me, so that I could see his nasal hair, and feel his breath upon my face, this tall, well built, strange man issued his order...
by Anonymous | 8th Sep 2020 | Education, Humanity
Five people, strangers, met one sunny Friday in early September. They had not met previously, but had come together with one sole purpose in mind – to create. Standing around in an airy workshop, stuffed to the rafters with material, tools, objects and knick knacks,...