Really, really want

Really, really want

In the words of the 1990s pop song, what do we want? What do we really, really want?  From life? From work? From each other?  Many people have asked this question over the centuries and most of the time the answers are a variation on the same theme. As human...
Re entering the wonderful world of work.

Re entering the wonderful world of work.

For the first time in six months, I felt I had a place in the world again.  Six long months of uncertainty, of worry, or wondering if I would ever be needed in the ways that I was previously pre Covid. Not that we are post Covid at the moment, but we are...
Reactivating: when your job is grief

Reactivating: when your job is grief

Grief comes, like love, in myriad forms, chameleon-like, shape shifting, shadow dancing, furtive and furious, all consuming, ever-present, ineluctable. It hits with the power of a tornado, obliterating everything in its path and it lingers, a festering presence eating...